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Privacy Policy of Grupo Tierra Gaucha

Tierra Gaucha Groupformed by the companies FEJU SRL and CONCEPTO PATAGONICO SRL, values the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting the personal data that you provide us through our tourist accommodation service.

Collection and Use of Personal Information
Both FEJU SRL and CONCEPTO PATAGONICO SRL request certain personal data from the User through their respective websites. The data provided will be included in an automated personal data file, owned by the corresponding company, in order to provide the services requested by the User. By providing this data, the User authorizes the automated treatment of the same, which are necessary for the provision of the agreed services.

Data Storage and Security
The personal information collected from registered customers is stored in a database owned by the corresponding company. Grupo Tierra Gaucha assumes the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information, in accordance with the provisions of Law 25.326 on the Protection of Personal Data and other applicable legislation.

Use of Information
Tierra Gaucha Group will use the data provided by the User internally to publicize offers and promotions that may be of interest to it. Such data will not be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the interested party, except in the cases provided by law.

Our websites use cookies to improve the user experience. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous User and his or her computer, without providing references that allow the User's identity to be deduced. Thanks to cookies, it is possible to recognize registered Users after their first access, facilitating their navigation and access to exclusive areas and services. The User has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by means of the appropriate configuration of his/her browser.

User Rights
Any registered user may at any time exercise their right to access, rectify, and cancel their personal data. This can be done through a written communication addressed to Grupo Tierra Gaucha, Bariloche - Argentina, or by sending an email to:

Data Protection
In compliance with Law 25.326 on the Protection of Personal Data, Grupo Tierra Gaucha informs that the personal data collected will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. These data will be incorporated and treated in accordance with current data protection regulations, always guaranteeing the right to privacy of our customers.
